Not In Kansas Anymore...

Click your heels, and see if home is where you hang your hat, or somewhere else inside yourself as this simple, postmodern girl takes on L.A.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

My first semi-crappy day at work today was by far better than my best day at the Flower Shop. Here's why: when a customer got all uppity with me about my having to ask her to lower her voice as people in massage rooms could likely hear her, my immediate supervisor took over, defended me to the owner and said that it wasn't my fault. Can you imagine Joanna EVER doing that? Nope. Not a chance. And when the psycho clients just kept rolling in, the supervisor told me it was okay, and that maybe I should just take a break. Insane! I'm a person to these people! Go figure!

I wonder how long it will last?

In another adventure, Jeannie, Joannie and I went dowtown to the garment district yesterday to look for fabric ( I'm redoing my couch; see below). Take note: I am in LOVE!!!! That place is like Mexico, or Soho 20 years ago! Everything- short of live chickens, and I'm not entirely sure of that, since I didn't see all of it- can be had there at rock bottom prices. I could have spent DAYS there; it was block after city block of clothes, shoes, bootlegs, food, fabric, toys, luggage, jewelry, on and on andon. The next time I need a big-ticket item, I am definitely going there first. There's just no reason not to. Of course, it is impossible not to spend every dime you have there, as the bargains are almost too good to pass up. In addition to the fabric bonanza ( upholstery-quality velvet for $8 a yard- no joke!) I got a pair of $5 shoes, a $3 tank top and almost bought 5 bras for $10. I also got a $1.50 Mexican soda, which Joannie drank almost half of, and then fell asleep in the car on the ride home. How that happened is a miracle of nature, since said soda was about 40% juice, 45% syrup and about 5% carbonation and for all intents and purposes she should have been sticking to the roof. Clearly, though, a good time was had by all.

In upcoming adventures, my friend Leo is coming to visit me in about 2 weeks ( hence the couch redo). I've known Leo 22 (cringe! ) years now, and we only recently got in touch again after about a 7-8 lapse. When I was in high school, I had the biggest crush on him and later, when I was out of high school, I had the chance to ahem, how should we call it? Act on some impulses? Fufill some fantasies? (Okay, now this is grossing me out. It sounds dirtier than it actually was. We were just kids! Okay, now THAT is not what I meant either...). ANYWAY, poor Leo's fiancee recently dumped him rather abruptly and cruelly by running off and eloping with an ex-boyfriend just two short months ago." Ouch" isn't the word for it, since they'd been dating for a long, long time. "I want to crawl into a hole and die" are words he'd probably choose, although I suggested "I hope she gets hit by a train" might be a few others. I mean, it's one thing to get dumped. It's wholly another, in my book, to be so in love with someone you want to marry them and then have them leave you for somebody ELSE. Christ! But he's coming to visit me in an attempt to have his ego soothed a little by someone who knows him well, in all sorts of ways, including as an ex-lover. In return, he has promised to treat me to some desperately-needed male attention and flattery, not to mention some good conversation, reminiscing, and laughing. Hopefully, it will be good for both of our souls just to see an old friend and relax into the fact that we used to know each other when we were both drinking illegally (HEY! We were in the THEATRE! That's part of what you DO! And it was the 80's!). I'm sort of anxious and excited to see him again. We have all sorts of fun LA things planned, so I hope it turns out well....and that at the end of it, he can go back to Florida (where he lives now) and have a semi-healed heart, and I can walk away from it with a smile on my face more often than I do now, being so cut off all my old beloved friends like I am here in Oz....

Click, click, click ( the sound of heels tapping together).....